Tuesday 23 February 2010

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Pre-Production Journal

In our pre-production group I was assigned the role of technical producer this meant that I cut down all the videos and any other things that we wanted in our Vt's. Although some of my work was virtually doubled as one of our group members left the course halfway through the rotation and halfway through all the work.

Our Subject was sport, so we decided to use Question of Sport as a guide and got ideas from some of there questions such as who is this with the blurred out face and what happens next, but we did create some questions ourselves such as an anagram round where we made up an anagram and the teams had to guess who it was.

Overall the group worked well even though most of the work was doubled and it went smoothly and all work was completed so the round went into the show.

Below is an example of the ideas we had for some questions:

Talk-back's there use and protocal

Talk-backs are used by the on floor crew and the director and floor manager, there should be no messing about on these as it can cause confusion or loss in communication.

The talk backs should only be used by the camera crew if they have a problem or really need to communicate with the director.

The Dvd Op has to use the talk back to tell the director when the dvd is ready for him to cut to whenever her wants to, and the sound desk only needs to use it at the start when they tell the director that the sound is ready.

The Floor manager and the director are the main people to use the talkbacks to communicate between floor and the vision control room. The director will tell the floor manager how he wants the talent to sit and what he wants them to do. So any messing about on the talkbacks could mean that the floor manager misses something that the director says and then it wouldnt get done so would cause problems.

Camera Shots and Moves

Below are some camera shots that are usually used in Live Tv Shows:

Wide Shot- One of the whole talent, sometimes with some audience as foreground.

2 or 3 Shot- Usually of one side of the talent or of two of the talent and the host.

Close up- Usually of the host, or on one of the talent who is answering a question.

Ped Up/Down- is to move the camera up or down.

Pan- Left/Right/Up/Down, to give more headroom, or more looking room.

Zoom- Is to go in closer of a shot or to come out.

Crab- Can go left or right.

Studio Protocal and Practice

The rules which should be followed in the studio are as follows:

Don't Run In The Studio - as the cameras have long cables that usually trail along the floor and could very easily be tripped over.

Only people who are really needed for the production should be aloud in the studio- as their is only a limited about of space and the crew are needed to be fully focused on getting the best recording possible.

No messing about on the (cans) headsets - The cans are only used for communication between the Director and the Crew and any messing about on them could cause confusion on what was being said and cause loss of instuctions from director to crew.

Also no Food or Drink should be brought into the Studio as there is a possibility that they could be spilt and damage the cameras/microphones and with that there a risk of being electrocuted.

Multi-Cam Production Terms

The two most used calls in a live tv show are:

"Cut"- Which is used by the director to tell the vision mixer that he wants to move cameras and to go onto the next shot.

"Dvd Ready" or " Dv Ready"- Is another that is used a lot, this is used by the dvd operator to signify that the Vt insert is ready for whenever the director wants to cut to it. Just before he/she does cut to it they will say "Role Vt" or "Role Dvd".

The other calls that are used during a live tv show are:

"Floor Ready"- This is used by the floor manager to tell the director that the floor is ready whenever he/she wants to start recording.

"Sound Ready"- This is used by the Sound Operators to tell the director that all Mic checks have been done and they are ready to record whenever he/she is.


The script is one of the most important things in the whole show, as if you have no script then you dont really have a show as the host doesnt know what the questions are, the Dvd operator doesnt know when the inserts are needed and the director doesnt know when what will be said and where he/she should cut to. Below is the first page of our script to give an idea of what one should look like: