Tuesday 9 February 2010

Studio Protocal and Practice

The rules which should be followed in the studio are as follows:

Don't Run In The Studio - as the cameras have long cables that usually trail along the floor and could very easily be tripped over.

Only people who are really needed for the production should be aloud in the studio- as their is only a limited about of space and the crew are needed to be fully focused on getting the best recording possible.

No messing about on the (cans) headsets - The cans are only used for communication between the Director and the Crew and any messing about on them could cause confusion on what was being said and cause loss of instuctions from director to crew.

Also no Food or Drink should be brought into the Studio as there is a possibility that they could be spilt and damage the cameras/microphones and with that there a risk of being electrocuted.

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